That's right, we are better lovers. Even though everyone and their grandmother assumes that Anarchists are only good for class war and toasting the rich with a molotov cocktail, we actually do have other hobbies. Socializing with each other happens to be one of those hobbies, and when mixed with alcohol, sex.
No, seriously.
Perhaps the erotic combination of intelligence, passion, anger, and precious few inhibitions are what makes us better lovers. Alcohol helps, but it isn't the only thing that helps. Good guys and gals are drawn to the crusty fringe element "baddies" like moths to a flame. It's sex appeal, I tell you. The Anarchist in question might bore you to death with political bloviations or teach you how to make home made weapons, or kidnap you and make you smash the State. The anticipation of not knowing whether you'll be asleep or in jail is enough to make a girl weak in the knees! Plus, there's the masks. Nothing says sexy quite like a masked madman who can rattle off the political party's failures in rapid succession while building a bomb. Not to mention that our Anarchist men have huge *cough*brains*choke*. Excuse me a moment, I think I have a frog in my throat.
So happy Valentine's Day to all of you out there. May your day be filled with chocolates and frilly cards, and your bed filled with balaclava clad Anarchists. Now go and get all dolled up in your finest riot-wear, and show your lover what Anarchism is really like! Go on! Make it like an Anarchist.
*Authors note, before bursting into your significant other's bedroom fully clad in head to toe black and a balaclava, be sure to warn them first. That will help you avoid any unpleasant gun shots directed at you.
Anarchists Are Better Lovers
Posted by
4:12 PM
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LolLOLLOLOLOL! You just reminded me of my brother. My brother makes homemade weapons and, I kid you not, runs around in a ninja outfit. I think he reads anarchy books too.
LMAO that's too funny :D Awesome, and funny!
What a riot! I can kinda see the relationship.
passion = better sex.
Great post Anok!
Thanks Clay!
Interesting and informative...not something I normally associate with anarchists...
I usually just think of poor hygene and endless rhetoric. SO, good job!!!
THanks for the post. Very funny.
Oh, ouch Ram, you cut me, you cut me deep! I have excellent hygiene!
I even shave my legs. ;)
ROTFLMAO! This is probably the funniest Valentines day post I have read today. But, now, you may have given away too much information on what goes on at the secret anarchist meetings?
Lol! Funny post. XD I think I need a ninja mask to wear all the time. ^.^
Namaste! And happy valentines!
You sure it's a frog in your throat?
Happy Valentine's.
(Squares like me are okay too. It takes us less time, which means more time in the mall!)
Happy Valentine's Day!
I'll be sure to keep your words of wisdom in mind :)
Great post.
So right Anok--
That passion and mutual respect, the intensity of our feelings because they are unbound... We can say "I love you" and mean it, and few can. You hit the nail on the head ninja girl!
Love and Satisfaction
I was here and read your post.. !
Funny post, lol
Oh CT I haven't even scratched the surface of what goes on in our meetings! When you get many of us together plus alcohol we...oh, never mind ;)
Tao - yes, ninja masks are great fun, unless you wear them when doing your banking. Then...not so much. Namaste to you as well.
OM, you're too much LOLLOL!
Hey Sunnyberra, thanks for dropping in! Have a cup 'o Joe while you're here, and hope you had a great V-day. Maybe you thiefed a heart or two ;)
Ah Wrench, you know what it's all about ;) It's true, we are so passionate about everything, how could that not spill over into our bedrooms? Equality, respect, a disdain for societal norms what a great combo!
Artofeed, thanks for stopping by, glad you liked the post!
Hehe. This was a great post. I want to date an anarchist now.
Well of course you do Gabriel! Who doesn't? I mean..sheesh, we're hot, we're violent, we know how to have a good's a certain recipe for a solid romp in the sack! ;)
Hear Hear! I can drink to that, cheers!
You'd better, Clay!
It is good to hear about your other activities... ;) Keep it up! And your justification makes a lot of sense. I am going to have to find me an anarchist.
Now I know why I'm always surrounded by a crowd like a rockstar. Im a bad boy baby!!!! :P
Nice text~!
Good luck Jake, we're hard to catch, you know ;)
Noarch - well...duh. Of course that's why!
Better late than ever, I guess...
That was a really funny post, Anok.
I thank you for the suggestion. I'm shopping for some new hot guy for my collection, and am growing weary of the bar types... So I will now be looking forward to the next local riot. Maybe I'll have time to find myself a nice boy before the lacrymogen bombs start flying.
I'll let you know how it goes.
Hey Salomey! You might want to wait until after the riots to figure out which one you like best. hat way you can weed out the really fanatical ones, you know, just FYI ;)
You should aim towards the ones that aren't always throwing bricks and such. The planners are good too. :D
I love your anarchy symbol with the heart.
Excellent tattoo idea. :P
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